Using the Flowty Optimisation Solver you can solve models like
where \(N\) is the set of general (master) variables, \(M\) is the set of constraints, \((g, s, t) \in K\) is the set of subproblems with graph \((V,E)=g \in G\), vertices \(V\), edges \(E\), resource constraints \(R_g\), and \(s,t \in V\) is the source and target for the feasible paths for the subproblem. Paths usage may be fractional, integral or binary.
Solve regular mixed integer programming models
Use only \(y\) variables and do not add subproblems.
Solve a resource constrained shortest path problem
Add exactly one subproblem and no \(y\) variables or constraints. Set lower and upper bounds to 1 and let the domain be binary.
Graphs describe the connectivity of vertices using edges. All graphs are directed and are weighted with costs on edges and vertices. One can specify on a graph if paths must be simple or allowed to contain cycles.
Identical source and target is not supported.
Split node in two.
Each path is constrained in the network. This is handled in the dynamic programming algorithm by accumulating resources that are used for verifying bounds while traversing the graph.
In the dynamic programming algorithm labels represent states and a resource is an element in the state. The cost component of a label can be considered as an unbounded resource and hence results in a state element.
First Resource
The first resources defines the order in which the labels are handled. There must not exist a cycle in the graph with zero consumption for that resource.
Resource Update Functions (RUF)¶
Resource update function \(f_r\) defines how resource \(r \in R\) is updated from state \(S_i\) when traversing edge \((i,j) \in E\). Apply all RUFs to obtain new state \(S_j = \{ f_r(S_i) : r \in R \}\).
Example RUFs for an isolated resource \(r \in R\) with state \(s_i^r\) are
- time windows where travel time \(q_{ij}^r\) is added and then waiting for a window to open \(s_j^r = \max \{ l_v^r, s_i^r + q_{ij}^r \}\).
- capacity where demand \(q_{ij}^r\) is added \(s_j^r = s_i^r + q_{ij}^r\)
- mutually exclusive resource where the \(s_i^r\) is a bitset with with ones for visited sets and \(q_{ij}^r\) indicates new set to visits, i.e., \(s_j^r = s_i^r ~|~ q_{ij}^r\)
Several commonly used RUFs are provided with Flowty.
State \(S\) is feasible if it satisfies all rules. Example rules are for an isolated resource \(r \in R\) with state \(s^r\) are
- time windows where \(s^r\) must be within a window \([l_v^r, u_v^r]\) at vertex \(v \in V\), i.e., \(l_v^r \leq s^r \leq u_v^r\).
- capacity where \(s^r\) must be less than or equal than a global bound at vertex \(v \in V\), i.e., \(s^r \leq u_v^r\).
- mutually exclusive resource where \(s^r\) must be bitwise less than or equal to the bit vector representing the set of the current vertex i.e., \((s^r \oplus u_v^r) ~\& ~s^r \leq 0\).
Several commonly used rules are provided with Flowty.
Subproblems are defined by a graph, source and target vertices, and a lower bound and upper bound on accumulated path usage. Moreover, the update and feasibility rules for resources in a graph are defined per subproblem. This allows the data on graph to be shared among many subproblems but used differently.
Moreover, a subproblem specifies the domain of the generated path variables, e.g., continuous, binary or integer.